IdeaRX has successfully blended AI , Healthcare expertise and Industry data to create a powerful platform which enables hospital management to Optimize Pharmacy KPIs resulting in significant profit rise. It also leads to better Patient Care, Doctor engagement & Employee efficiency.”


  • Sougat Chatterjee
  • Ex - CEO - Aphc @ Apollo Hospitals I Mentor of Change @ Niti Aayog

Benefits We Deliver

Here is how we empowered a 250 Bed Multispecialty hospital to achieve 6cr additional profit in Pharmacy

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Why IdeaRX


Technology Leadership

Embrace innovation with IdeaRX’s cutting-edge technology, ensuring you stay at the forefront of advancements in pharmacy profitability enhancement.

Healthcare Expertise

Benefit from our deep industry knowledge and specialized insights in healthcare, tailoring solutions to meet the unique challenges of your pharmacy.

Long-term Partnership

Forge a lasting relationship with IdeaRX where our revenues are tied up with the value creation achieved for the client.

Categories we serve

Departments we enable


  • Client Image

    “Partnering with IdeaRX has been invaluable. They understand hospital intricacies and provide tailored solutions that align perfectly with our needs. They act as an ethical partner fostering collaboration and trust. Huge healthcare database, manufacturer Relationships, Expertise of pharmacy operations and Superior technology are their greatest assets. " We have realized significant positive impact on Profits, Control and Operations Convenience.”

    • Dr. C.J. Vetrievel
    • Managing Director. Bewell Hospital, Chennai

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