Spend Analytics

Track & Convert Spend Insights into Financial Benefits

IdeaRX highlights areas for purchase cost savings that will positively impact your profits. We analyze your supplies, monitor the spends, and report on any deviations. We combine technology with our expertise to deliver significant insights to our members.

IdeaRX’s Spend Analytics helps drive better decision making and superior cost savings. Our experts are motivated by achieving actual savings and are not hesitant to go to the extra mile to deliver results. This requires strong attention to detail and analysed in a broad spectrum of things considering various alternatives and opportunities. We map the items to our master over the cloud and this helps us achieve results without duplication.

How it Works


  • Client Image

    “Partnering with IdeaRX has been invaluable. They understand hospital intricacies and provide tailored solutions that align perfectly with our needs. They act as an ethical partner fostering collaboration and trust. Huge healthcare database, manufacturer Relationships, Expertise of pharmacy operations and Superior technology are their greatest assets. " We have realized significant positive impact on Profits, Control and Operations Convenience.”

    • Dr. C.J. Vetrievel
    • Managing Director. Bewell Hospital, Chennai