Vendor Assessment

Access Pre-vetted Vendor Information with Best Prices

Get ratings, feedback and all information about vendors and access evaluated and approved potential suppliers selected by quantitative assessment.

IdeaRX ensures a portfolio of best in class suppliers is available for use.  We onboard vendors to cater to all the needs of any type of hospital. We also help standardize products that are difficult to compare and buy. This helps our members choose products by easily comparing the specifications of the products and the feedback of the vendor. With more intragroup information flowing, the better are the services from the vendors due to healthy competition amongst them.

How it Works


  • Client Image

    “Partnering with IdeaRX has been invaluable. They understand hospital intricacies and provide tailored solutions that align perfectly with our needs. They act as an ethical partner fostering collaboration and trust. Huge healthcare database, manufacturer Relationships, Expertise of pharmacy operations and Superior technology are their greatest assets. " We have realized significant positive impact on Profits, Control and Operations Convenience.”

    • Dr. C.J. Vetrievel
    • Managing Director. Bewell Hospital, Chennai